Tribes, Dynasts and Kingdoms of Northern Greece
History and Numismatics

   Rex Thraciae
AΔ   Βασιλέας Θράκης   405-340 (?) BC

Topalov (2000) p. 51; Topalov (2005) p. 10/13; Topalov (2006) p. 71/76

The coins with the cotyle (κοτύλη, double-handled vessel) on the reverse belong to the period of the Odrysian kings and rulers in Thrace. The mint or ruler associated with the abbreviated inscription ΑΔ has not been identified yet. The following attributions have been proposed:

- Unknown Thracian ruler (common).
- Ruler Aderast (Αδεράστης, Αδέραστος ?) [Koychev & Moutafov, 2000].
- Mint of a settlement at the mouth of the river Adiras on the Propontis (Sea of Marmara) between the poleis
  Selymbria and Byzantion [Topalov, 2005].
  An ancient settlement is known in this region by the name of Άθηρα on the river Αθήρας, hoewever, the
  Greek name of the settlement does not contain the letter Δ !

6498 ΑΔ Rex Thraciae AE 7467 ΑΔ Rex Thraciae AE 7472 ΑΔ Rex Thraciae AE 7531 ΑΔ Rex Thraciae AE
SHH 6747 SHH 7467
SHH 7472 SHH 7531
Hermes / Cotyle, ΑΔ
AE   9-11 mm   1.26 g   Topalov (2000) p.49/51 No.5
Statistics 1/1   Images 1/1

6749 ΑΔ Rex Thraciae AE 7447 ΑΔ Rex Thraciae AE 7487 ΑΔ Rex Thraciae AE 7646 ΑΔ Rex Thraciae AE
SHH 6749
SHH 7447
SHH 7487 SHH 7646
Hermes / Cotyle, ΑΔ
AE   10-12 mm   1.00-1.05 g   Topalov (2000) p.49/51 No.6
Statistics 2/1   Images 2/1

6609 ΑΔ Rex Thraciae AE 6808 ΑΔ Rex Thraciae AE 6813 ΑΔ Rex Thraciae AE 7471 ΑΔ Rex Thraciae AE
SHH 6609 SHH 6808 SHH 6813 SHH 7471
Female Head Left / Cotyle, ΑΔ
AE   10-15 mm   1.32-1.65 g   Topalov (2005) p.12/13 No.9
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6858 ΑΔ Rex Thraciae AE 7466 ΑΔ Rex Thraciae AE 7584 ΑΔ Rex Thraciae AE
SHH 6858
SHH 7466
SHH 7584
Female Head right / Cotyle, ΑΔ
AE   10 mm   0.92 g   Topalov (2006) p.275 No.10
Statistics 4/1   Images 4/1

v4944 ΑΔ Rex Thraciae AE
SHH v4944
Female Head Left / Cotyle, Grain, ΑΔ
AE   11 mm   0.97 g   Topalov (2005) p.12 No.8
Statistics 5/1   Images 5/1

v4869 ΑΔ Rex Thraciae AE
SHH v4869
Female Head Right / Cotyle, ΑΔ
AE   11 mm   1.34 g   Musée Archeologique de Tekirdaǧ, Inv. 4128
Oya Yaǧiz, Les monnaies d'Heraion Teichos avec l'inscrption HPAI
11th International Congress of Thracology, Istanbul, 8.-12.11.2010, (attributed to Adhyras)

   Reges Thraciae