1778 AD |
Medal Bronze 92 |
SHH 6455 |
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Parameter Obverse Reverse Notes Reference Provenance |
296.4 g 91.8 mm 12:00
o'clock VF Bust of field marshal Potjomkin right; inscription clockwise around КНЯЗЬ ГРИГОРΪЙ АЛЕКСАНДРОВИЧЬ ПОТЕМКИНЪ ТАВРИЧЕСКЙ, ГЕНЕРАЛЪ ФЕЛЬДМАРШАЛЪ.; engraver mark К. В. БЕЗРОДНОЙ below; engraver mark C.LEBERECHT.F in exergue; double linear border. Topographic view of the island of Berezan, the fortress of Ostachov and the Russian siege forces; УСЕРДΪЕМЪ И ХРАБРОСТΪЮ. ABOVE, inscription in three lines in exergue ВЗЯТΪЕ ОЧАКОВА КРЪРОСТИ БЕРЕ // ЗАНСКОЙ И ПОБЪДБΪ НА ЛИМАНЪ // ВЪ 1788 ГОДУ. Bronze medal of V.
Bezrodnoy and P. W. Gass.
Diakov 212.2."Bronzemedaille auf die Eroberung der Insel Berezan im November 1788 im Schwarzen Meer und der Eroberung der Festung Ochakov, unter dem Kommando von Generalfeldmarschall Gregor Alexandrowitsch Potemkin." [seller] Ex Künker 289/1975, 14.3.2017; ex Künker 172/7238, 2010. |