1219 AD -
1236 AD |
Dirham AR 23 |
SHH 5049 |
Parameter Obverse Reverse Notes Reference Provenance |
2.929 g 22.1-23.1 mm 0.774
eqmm tmax 0.7 mm rh 0.05 mm
o'clock VF σ(SigmaTest, 240 kHz) = obv. 14.3-19.9, rev. 14.9-20.8, MS/m Arabic inscription. Arabic inscription . Ex I. Pfeiler Collection. Album 1211; Anatolian Coins ME-599; Zeno 28439 Ex Hubert Lanz, 25.12.2012 |
Measurement coordinates r and φ
are referred to the die orientation of the obverse
Leitfähigkeit SigmaTest, 8 mm probe, 7.9.2021