239 AD - 276 AD

Rhescuporis IV    Regnum Bosporanum
Ρησκούπορις Δ'   Βασίλειον Βοσπόρου

 BL 20
SHH 4098

4098 Rhescuporis IV Regnum Bosporanum BL



7.32 g   19.9-20.2 mm   12:00 o'clock   VF
t = 2.8-3.0 mm   ρ =  g/cm^3   σ/240 Hz) =  MS/m
Diademed and draped bust of Rhescuporis right; trident in front;
ΒΑCΙΛΕωC ΡΗCΚΟΥΠΟΡΙΔΟC anitclockwise around.

Laureate and draped bust of emperor right; denomimation mark I (= 10) in right field;
beneath, AΞΦ (year 561 = 264/5 AD); border of dots.
Friesian identifies for this period Rhescuporis III, 233 AD, only.

Anokhin 712a (242-277 AD); Copenhagen IV --- (Rhescuporis V or VI 239-276 AD);
MacDonald 620.3 (242-277 AD);
Stancomb ---; Станиславский 684