411 BC - 340 BC |
AE 10 |
SHH 7549 |
Parameter Obverse Reverse Notes Reference Provenance |
1.245 g 10.3-10.5 mm 1.666
eqmm tmax 2.4 mm rh 0.25 mm
o'clock F centering - / - grooves - / - σmax(SigmaTest, 240 Hz) = obv. 4.5, rev. 5.0 S/m Bearded head of Herakles right, wearing lion's skin. Strang bow without symbol within, to left of club uüward; [ΘΑΣ] downward on right, [Ι]V[Ν] upward on left; Experimental specimen assigned to destructive analysis. BMC Thrace 90 (before Philip II); Copenhagen II 1051 (before 350 BC); Hoover 369; Le Rider, Philip II & Macedonia p. 187/188, Pl. II 29 (359-294 BC); Le Rider, Les monnaies Thasiennes, (1999) 17 (440-340 BC); Moushmov 5655; Sear Greek 1761 (before 350 BC); Sweden 824/825; Tuebingen II --- Ex Savoca Coins 190/88, 13.1.224 |
Measurement coordinates x and y
are referred to the die orientation of the obverse
Leitfähigkeit SigmaTest, 8 mm sensor. 31.1.2024